Repeat After Me: Potatoes, Rice & Pasta

Do you have or have you earlier in life had small children? If so the following scenario should look vaguely familiar:

Potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, french fries, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, jasmine rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, lasagna, potatoes, basmati rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, potatoes, more rice, pasta, etc.

I don´t want to waste paper, but since I´m already in the kid-zone I´ll just mention the other all too familiar part in the life of a parent: ground beef, chicken breasts and hot dogs (copy/paste, copy/paste, etc.).

OK, I left out pizza and fish sticks, but you get the idea. For many parents these culinary delicacies sum up the devoted parent´s nightmare: having to feed the little angels three meals a day (plus), seven days a week – for years and years. Is it any wonder so many of us are slightly nuts?

Today´s dish is based on rice, so we are not exactly traveling uncharted waters, but this particular rice dish should be a staple both for parents of young children and anybody else who enjoys good food.

I have eaten many versions of this dish at any number of Mexican restaurants, some better than others. When the dish is prepared properly it is delicious, so delicious that even skinless chicken breasts and taco dinners will seem much better. Mexican rice (also known as Spanish rice) is great with Mexican food but also with grilled fish or meat, a meaty stew or any number of other dinners.

Muy bueno. Tres amigos. Hasta la vista.


Mexican Rice

I prefer using the 20 minute version of Uncle Ben´s rice, but you will not find it in many stores (not like the good old days …). No problem using the 10 minute variety.

The total amount of liquid (canned tomatoes plus stock/water) is 9 dl (to 4,5 dl rice). You can use less tomato and more stock (or the opposite) if you wish.

2 Tbs vegetable oil

1 small yellow onion, minced

1 garlic clove, minced

4,5 dl Uncle Ben´s rice

2 ts chili powder

1 ts ground cumin

1 ts paprika powder

a pinch or two of dried oregano

1 can of crushed tomatoes

chicken or vegetable stock (water will also work)


  1. Fry the onion and garlic in the oil on medium high heat (use a large saucepan) for about 1 minute, until the onion has softened a bit.
  2. Add the rice and cook for a minute more. Stir constantly.
  3. Add the chili powder, cumin, paprika and oregano, and stir together.
  4. Pour the tomatoes and stock or water into the saucepan and bring to a boil.
  5. Reduce the heat, put the lid on the pan and let simmer until the rice is ready and the liquid has cooked in (roughly the amount of time recommed on the rice package).

Tips: If you like cilantro you can stir a couple of tablespoons of chopped cilantro into the rice when it´s done. I really like adding som fresh lime juice (I´m not a huge fan of cilantro).


Meksikansk ris

Jeg foretrekker å bruke den 20-minutters versjonen av Uncle Ben´s ris, men det er ikke alle butikker som fører den lenger. Det går helt fint å bruke 10-minutters varianten.

NB! Totalmengden væske (dvs bokstomater og kraft/vann) skal være 9 dl (til 4,5 dl ris). Det går fint an å bruke mindre tomater og mer kraft, eller omvendt, hvis ønskelig.

2 ss matolje

1 liten løk, finhakket

1 hvitløksfedd, finhakket

4,5 dl Uncle Ben´s ris

2 ts chilipulver

1 ts malt spisskummen

1 ts malt paprika

en klype eller to tørket oregano

1 boks hakkede tomater

kylling- eller grønnsakskraft, alt. vann (helst kraft – selvølgelig)


  1. Stek løk og hvitløk i olje på middelsterk varme (bruk en passe stor kjele) i ca. 1 minutt, til løken er litt myk.
  2. Tilsett ris og stek videre i 1 minutt. Rør konstant.
  3. Ha i chilipulver, spisskummen, paprika og oregano, og rør godt sammen.
  4. Tilsett bokstomater og kraft og kok opp.
  5. Reduser varmen til lav, ta på lokk og småkok til risen er klar og væsken har koket inn (pluss/minus den mengden tid som står på ris-esken).

Tips: Du kan godt røre inn et par spiseskjeer med hakket frisk koriander når risen er ferdige. Litt presset lime-saft er også godt i risen.


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