Skinny Dippin´ and Calorie Countin´

The best way to destroy any dedicated, hard-working dieter, is to serve them this dip. The name conjures up images of the past. We were young and free (and probably thinner), and skinny dipping was an activity we either did or wish we had done.

Also inherent in the name is that this seemingly innocent dip is made for January eating. We went nuts during the holidays and now we are paying the price by counting calories and cutting out any foods that could get in the way of our goals.

Well, that´s just not the case. This dip, in its original form, is not particulary healthy and it´s a calorie bomb. Its ingredients are cream cheese, mayo, butter, onion and parmesan. The onions are fine but the rest of the ingredients are not conducive to any weight-reduction plan.

But, Skinny Dip is astonishingly good. It is mind-blowing, a revelation in the world of dips, and one bite will erase any thoughts one might have of a new and thinner life.

It might actually even be better than this.

I discovered this dip after reading an article about “Hot Onion Soufflé” in a food magazine. This recipe is close to the orignal, but made even better by sautéeing the onion in butter instead of using it raw. Skinny Dip is not a true soufflé, but that´s really beside the point. It´s packed with some of the best ingredients to be found anywhere, and if that isn´t enough the damn thing is baked in the oven and served warm. Lastly it is used as an accompaniment to crackers or chips. Sure, carrot and celery sticks will work, but is there really any point in trying to make the Skinny Dip experience appear healthy?

My first attempt at making Skinny Dip was on New Year´s Eve, so technically-speaking I am not guilty of ruining anyone´s dietary work ethic. I recommend preparing this dip in the time period March to December. By March either you have achieved the goals you set at the turn of a new year, or you just gave up weeks ago.

You can substitute a light version of both cream cheese and mayonnaise. These changes, and replacing the crackers with crudités, are admirable thoughts. But if you try the original recipe it´s doubtful you will change anything. Nice try but no cigar!

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Skinny Dip
2 pakker Philadelphia-ost, romtemperert
1/2 middelstor løk, finhakket
2 ss usaltet smør
120 g parmesanost, revet
6 ss majones

Forvarm ovnen på 200° C

1. Ha Philadelphia-ost i en stor bolle.

2. Stek løkbitene i smøret til de er myke (ikke brune!). Sil av smøret.

3. Ha parmesan, løkbitene og majones i bollen sammen med Philadelphia-osten. Bland alt godt sammen med en tresleiv.

4. Hell blandingen over i en ildfastform. Ha formen i ovnen i ca. 20 minutter. Dippen skal ha brune flekker på toppen og være gjennomvarmet. Hvis overflaten er ”brun nok” uten at dippen er gjennomvarmet, kan du dekke over formen med aluminiumsfolie og steke videre.

5. Server dippen rett fra formen sammen med chips, saltkjeks og eller biter/stenger med friske grønnsaker.

Dippen kan (heldigvis) varmes opp igjen i mikroen, selvfølgelig kun hvis den ikke den blir spist helt opp under første serveringen.

Skinny Dip
16 oz Philadelphia cream cheese at room temperature
1/2 medium onion, minced
2 Tss unsalted butter
4 oz parmesan, grated
6 Tbs mayonnaise

Pre-heat oven til 400° F

1. Put the cream cheese in a bowl.

2. Sauté the onion on medium-low heat until soft (not browned!). Pour off remaining butter.

3. Add the parmesan, onion og mayo to the cream cheese in the bowl. Blend well with a wooden spoon.

4. Pour the mixture into an oven-proof form. Put the form in the oven for about 20 minuttes. The dip should have brown spots on its surface. If the spots are there but the dip isn´t completey warmed through, cover with aluminium foil and continue cooking.

5. Serve the dip right from the form with crackers, chips or crudités.

You can warm Skinny Dip up again in the microwave, if for some odd reason there is any of it left.

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4 thoughts on “Skinny Dippin´ and Calorie Countin´”

  1. Skinny Dip: I suggest going straight for a circular oven-proof vessel, circumventing the intermediate mixing bowl stage. Less cleaning up/dishwashing involved, ergo skinnier, energywise…

  2. Oops…I think I hit a wrong button. Anyway, since my body runs on fat not sugar (diabetic) this stuff is great. But I don’t stop there I add spinach and artichoke hearts. I think it’s called Spinach and Artichoke dip..go figure.

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