They´re alive, dammit! It´s a miracle!

Foto: Mari & Annika

The title of today´s post has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the post´s content. The words are from the title song to “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”, a hilarious comedy series for those who get it; probably unbearable to others. One way or the other you should check out the title sequence to the series. Just watch out; you might end up like me – not able to get the song out of your heard.

My buddy Mike Williams is responsible for me being hooked on today´s dish. This is not exactly his version, though it is definitely in the same vein as his version. It´s a simple dish showing once again just how great sausages can be.

I love pretty much any kind of sausage such as plain old store-bought hot dogs with yellow mustard and a bun, or the Norwegian equivalent: a plain old store-bought hog dog with a stripe of both ketchup and mustard, this time on “lompe”, a potato-based “tortilla”.

I have also had any number of high-quality sausages, from restaurants such as Mutt´s in Oklahoma City and several great barbecue places all over the South. I have eaten some of the classic sausage dishes such as Toad-in-the-Hole, the great American Chili Dog, sausage and peppers on bread, sausage and peppers in pasta, sausage Gumbo, sausages with sauerkraut, breakfast sausage with, em, breakfast, sausage stuffing, Bollito Misto, Choucroute, and ok, you get the idea.

I have been surprised being serve a great new twist on sausage-and-something and I´ve gone out of my way to eat legendary sausages. I have also eaten some pretty sorry sausages, and I´m often amazed by how many crappy sausages a grocery store can stuff into their coolers. This can be a wiener totally lacking personality  some newfangled “gourmet” sausage so awful that its creator should be hung at dawn.


Today´s sausage recipe is deceptively simple, containing only five ingredients plus a spash of oil. It has to be prepared on a grill and it has to remain on the grill way longer than you might think it should. You will only need about ten minutes to prepard the dish and then it´s just to wait. I generally cheat a bit and eat two or three bites before they are done, strictly for research´s sake …

You can prepare this dish using whole sausages if you want to eat them in a hot dog bun (or even better split in two lenghtwise and placed on a buttered, grilled hamburger bun, with some yellow mustard). You can also cut up the sausages into bite-sized bits if you prefer eating with forks or fingers.

One last thing: We all know it is important to use good ingredients. This is even more important in a dish containing few ingredients. Use the best onions you can find; any will work: white, yellow, shallots, spring onions, red onions. The sauce can be homemade but a good store-bought sauce is equally as good. My go-to sauce is Head Country when I don´t have homemade around. And then there are the sausages. Pre-cooked or raw, both will work, but or goodness sake use great sausages. If you don´t you are a moron. Use good sausages or go make yourself a salad. The rest of you can open a beer and look forward to this summer´s best sausage dish!

Thanks Mike!


BBQ Sausages

Step 1

2 Tbs sunflower oil

5 oz bacon slices, cut in small strips

2 medium onions, chopped

1 Tbs of your favorite rub

  1. Warm the oil in a frying pan.
  2. Fry the bacon in the oil for about two minutes.
  3. Add the onion and the rub, and continue cooking on medium heat until the onion is soft.


Step 2

2 lbs good sausages

roughly 1 1/2 cups barbecue sauce

  1. Put the sausages (whole or in pieces) in an aluminum form.
  2. Add the barbecue sauce, and stir well.
  3. Add the onion mixture to the sausages and stir together.
  4. Put the aluminum form on indirect heat. Replace the lid and cook for at least 30-40 minutes until the sauce has thickened and the sausages have some delicious blackish nooks and crannies. Stir occasionally.


And now, in Norwegian:

BBQ Sausages

Trinn 1

2 ss matolje

150 g baconskiver, skåret i strimler

2 middelstore løk, hakkede

1 ss favoritt-grillkrydder

  1. Varm olje i en stor stekepanne.
  2. Stek baconet i pannen i to minutter.
  3. 3. Ha løken i pannen, og dryss over krydderet. Stek vier til løken er myk.


Trinn 2

1 kg gode pølser

ca. 3 dl barbecuesaus

  1. Ha pølsene (hele eller i biter) i en aluform.
  2. Tilsett barbecuesaus, og rør godt sammen.
  3. Hell løkblandingen over pølseblandingen og rør godt sammen.
  4. Legg formen på indirekte varme, ha på lokk, og la ligge i minst 30 – 40 minutter, til sausen har kokt litt inn og pølsene er småsvidde. Rør av og til.



2 thoughts on “They´re alive, dammit! It´s a miracle!”

    1. Hei Øyvind. Vi importerer saus fra Head Country. Det er slakter A. Idsøe i Stavanger som selger den. De har egne etiketter; to typer. Disse er klassiske Oklahoma-sauser: søt men bra syrlig, tynnere i konsistens enn i f eks en Kansas City eller Memphis bbq saus. Anbefales!

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