Tag Archives: barbecue sauce

They´re alive, dammit! It´s a miracle!

Foto: Mari & Annika

The title of today´s post has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the post´s content. The words are from the title song to “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt”, a hilarious comedy series for those who get it; probably unbearable to others. One way or the other you should check out the title sequence to the series. Just watch out; you might end up like me – not able to get the song out of your heard.

Continue reading They´re alive, dammit! It´s a miracle!

Flashback Fridays: You Mean As In “Vinegar Sauce”?

Photo: Mette Randem

I grew up eating Oklahoma barbecue, the best of it as good as can be found in any state in the South. Our tomato sauce is tomato-based, sweet, but still tangy. Not too thick, well, just right.

Several years ago I became acquainted with vinegar-base barbecue sauce, the staple in some of the further east reaches of the Deep South. And in the eastern part of North Carolina they make vinegar sauce that is equally as good as any tomato-based sauce you ever ate.

Continue reading Flashback Fridays: You Mean As In “Vinegar Sauce”?