Tag Archives: Ingen røyk uten grill

Flashback Fridays: Grilled Quesadillas

Photos: Mette Randem

Quesadillas are simply tortillas (therefore “-dillas”) filled with cheese (therefore “queso”), but there are any number of twists used to “spice up” this wonderful dish. Today´s recipe is a favorite and was on the menu at my first restaurant – thirty years ago this year. We made the quesadillas in the kitchen, but they are even better hot off the grill.

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Flashback Fridays: Grillet Squash Caprese

Boken “Ingen røyk uten grill” (Kagge forlag) kom i 2010, et hektisk år for meg. Jeg hadde nettopp forlatt restaurantbransjen og startet produktutviklingsjobben for REMA 1000. Vår første kampanje kom i 2009, og på dette tidspunktet handlet livet om grill og atter grill.

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